
Ask Peter Howard AM

Posted on December 6, 2018 , No comments

Once you’re a cook, you’re always a cook. No matter how much distance you want to put between you and your job, or former job, it is very hard to escape the cooking scene and appreciation of it..

I am a cruising fanatic and I love it for lots of reasons. However, each time I am on the open seas, I am amazed at how the food just keeps coming – not only one or two dishes but multiple dishes on menus that change every day and for each meal period.

On my latest cruise from Tilbury, London to Sydney via the Caribbean and Panama Canal, the ship was at sea for 30 days which means there’s not a corner shop to drop into just in case.  All the time I am kept wondering how the chefs do what they do it as there is not ever a shortage of fresh fruits, salads, vegetables, meats in fact, all parts of the expansive menu were covered.

On the ship, MV Astor for the CMV, the crew in the galley was mostly Indian plus a couple of other nationalities. One of the many aspects of the ship I found so delightful is that it was an older ship and a classic liner. The wait staff was a delight to watch as they were European trained and truly excellent. Oh and the curries were sensational needless to say.

What I am saying it that it makes an old cook, like me, really proud and humble to see these guys, with their skills well and truly on show. Their pride was on show and rightfully so.

Thanks guys.

Happy Christmas to everyone and I look forward to seeing you all in the New Year.

– Peter Howard AM



Alanah KerecAsk Peter Howard AM