
Ask Peter Howard

Posted on August 30, 2016 , No comments

Hello there or should I say Aloha, the traditional hello here in Hawaii where I sit and look at the stunning azure ocean waters off Kona on the Big Island. It is so good to be here not only to holiday but to see the locals in action and it is a place where lots of examples of native ingredients being incorporated into the local eating scene.

Sure, you can find any number of hamburger joints as a result of demand by customers and that is a given but there is also the remarkable laid back, but yet, efficient waiter service ensuring we get what we want and always with a huge welcoming smile. Lots of Mahalos, thanks you!.

As I write this I find myself reflecting on the fact that I came to the United States of America (via Hawaii) for the first time in 1979 – amazingly, nearly 40 years ago and the one constant I find in the numerous consequent visits to the USA, is excellent service on the floor. There are so many factors to this excellence in service, including the appallingly low wages paid to waitstaff (in comparison with Australia) and so therefore the reliance on tips is to considered but then, there is also the natural friendliness of Americans.

Travel allows learning and indeed that was very much a part of the inspiration of the Peter Howard Culinary Scholarship. As you may know, it is an annual award run by HTN from which the winner receives an international return airfare and $5000 spending money. There have been loads of winners and they return with so much information from their travels that ultimately goes on to benefit our local industry.

It’s not too late to enter – look in the HTN website and please excuse me as I get back to this neglected MaiTai sitting here and looking lonely.



Alanah KerecAsk Peter Howard

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