
Ask Peter Howard

Posted on December 19, 2016 , No comments

It’s hot here in sunny Queensland – very hot! For me the high temperatures herald Christmas is near as we are so used to being hot, sweaty and humid right now. You could say it is traditional.

Then this time of the year is full of traditions, Christmas traditions. And one of those traditions is that we as cooks, chefs whatever, will work our butts off as it the busiest time of the year for most business we work in. And our customers are looking for traditional fare. No matter how much we think we can create new dishes for the holiday period, it will always come down to the expected Christmas food – the roast pork and apple sauce, the turkey and the trimmings, Plum pudding and custard…soon it goes. You know what I’m talking about as so many of your will have been reared in this Christmas fare.

As much as we try excite our customers to try something more suitable to eat for this time of the year, the old favs will always win out. Comes back to the fact that we must give our customers what they want; after all they are the reason we do what we do. Funny thing, you give ‘em what they want and they come back for more.

We are charged to use our skills in cooking the meals for our customers. Nothing new about that but then some of these dishes may not be what you cook regularly. Cooking a whole turkey takes real skill as does getting the crackling right on the pork. So few businesses make apple sauce from scratch which is a shame as it is so delicious.

So Christmas is nearly on us and from me to you all, a Happy Christmas. Remember you are a part of making so many peoples’ lives happy with you cooking skills over this traditional time of the calendar.



Alanah KerecAsk Peter Howard

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