
Ask Peter Howard

Posted on January 4, 2017 , No comments

Happy New Year to everyone and may 2017 be all you would want. Time goes so quickly for me and your busy life as a Chef/cook, I am sure it goes just as quickly – maybe even more so.

In my retirement, I can only reminisce about this time of year and in my restaurants/work places, as in everyone’s; it was still a busy time of year. It is even more so now with so many more people to serve as people eat out for all meals and at all times of the day. Needless to say, in my early years of cooking and restaurant operation, breakfast was only ever offered in hotels. Now it is a major part of trading in cafes and so on.

Only another example of how the world of hospitality has changed (and continues to changes) and again it emphasises the fact that we, in the business of hospitality, have to be able to meet those changes and satisfy our customers’ needs.

From all the mates I know in the business, their take is the need for fluidity and going with the flow as they say. Meeting the growing expectations of our expanding customer base is the challenge that has to be met. And it is our bosses that have to make those decisions (maybe you are the boss) to keep their businesses going to pay our wages.

It’s all a part of a busy time for all concerned in hospitality, especially when you are a Chef or a cook. Happy New Year!



Alanah KerecAsk Peter Howard

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