
Cooking Competitions – Peter Howard AM

Posted on June 14, 2019 , No comments

I was never very good at cooking competitions but have always admired Chefs who do compete. Competing Chefs require planning abilities, organisational skills and nerves of steel to perform under pressure. They are confronted with an environment they are not used to and mostly they are cooking in front of an audience. They could not be further removed from their comfort zones.

Yet 32 Chefs from around the country will front up to compete for the Chef of the Year Competition at the FSA Exhibition in Melbourne from June 23 – 25th., 2019 with the winner being announced at 4pm on the 25th in the competition area. There are many heats each day.

Each year the competition gets more demanding as the competing Chefs try to win the $6000 grand prize as Chef of the Year 2019. Come and see them in action and it is my pleasure to be one of the MCs again this year.

I have often questioned the need for competitions – we cooks and Chefs are in a very competitive business regardless of where we end up cooking. In every meal service we are applying the pre-requisites of competing. We are getting our dishes up in a defined time and every meal we serve up is being judged by our customers. Just like a cooking competition isn’t it?



Alanah KerecCooking Competitions – Peter Howard AM